Why HEPA Matters For Mold Remediation in Springfield Missouri

Why HEPA Matters For Mold Remediation in Springfield Missouri

Why HEPA Matters For Mold Remediation in Springfield Missouri

You might have heard about HEPA air filters, but most people don’t know what HEPA actually means and why its so important for mold remediation.

HEPA stands for High Efficiency Particulate Air and two of the most important pieces of equipment that are used to perform proper mold removal must have HEPA filtration.

A HEPA filter is a type of mechanical air filter that works by forcing air through a fine mesh that traps harmful particles such as mold spores. Mold spores are microscopic and using improper filters lets mold spores right through and allows them to freely fly around. This can potentially cause issues in other areas of your home.

In mold remediation, one of the most important pieces of equipment that is used is a HEPA filtered air scrubber. An air scrubber pulls in air and that air is cleaned by flowing through multiple sets of filters.

Dog Gone Mold uses commercial sized air scrubbers to clean the air in your home faster and more efficiently. The 3 filtered air scrubber that Dog Gone Mold uses eliminates mold spores that are aerosolized during the mold remediation process.

The first two sets of filters catch the larger particles, but the HEPA filter is what does the trick, by catching the smallest of particles such as those pesky microscopic mold spores.

These air scrubbers run consistently during mold remediation in Springfield Missouri and are constantly cleaning up the air in your home, while other pieces of HEPA equipment are at work.

HEPA filtered vacuums are used on surface mold, because to perform a proper mold cleanup, mold needs to actually be removed, not just sprayed or wiped.

HEPA vacuuming of surface areas where mold is present before removing or disturbing moldy materials is the key to not allow mold spores to spread freely throughout the home.

If you just use a normal vacuum, most of the mold spores you are trying to vacuum up are just going to spread around, defeating the whole purpose of removing them.

Remember the word HEPA and make sure whoever you hire to perform your mold remediation knows what it means, what it does, and why it’s necessary to do the job correctly.

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