Purchasing a home will most likely be one of, if not the biggest purchase of your entire life. So protecting your investment before signing on the dotted line is crucial. Most home buyers fall in love with a home and rely strictly on the home inspection required by the bank to tell them if they have any problems.
Home inspectors are not regulated by the State of Missouri unless they perform inspections for wood destroying insects. Some are better than others, but most home inspectors are not certified mold inspectors and they aren’t exactly looking for the same things as a professional mold inspector. A certified mold inspector is checking every inch of the home, inside and out, from the crawl space to the attic, for signs of mold growth, or signs of potential future mold growth.
Our trained eyes are focused on any signs of potential mold problems or current mold problems, so we can remediate the problem efficiently and effectively. That’s why it’s crucial to have both a home inspection AND a mold inspection to make sure you don’t end up finding out about a mold infestation after you move into your new home.
This is by no means a knock on home inspectors in any way. They offer a crucial service and are sure to check everything, from the structural integrity of your home, to the roof, the windows, doors, trim, plumbing, appliances, electrical, and more. Home inspections are a very necessary part of the home buying process and for good reason. They can save you an awful lot of headaches, with a very detailed report and assessments on all problems or potential problems in your future home.
That being said, a mold inspection is very necessary as well. Relying on someone to stumble across mold that isn’t necessarily looking for it is a big risk to take. Countless times, we’ve gone to assess a situation that was deemed “minor” by someone who is not qualified to make that assessment, and it turned out to be much more than they thought.
If this mistake is caught after the transaction, it is now up to the new homeowner to fork over the money required for the mold remediation. A costly mistake that could have been avoided had someone ordered a mold inspection before moving forward with an already costly purchase.
You’re making a significant investment to purchase your new home. Isn’t paying a small fee for a mold inspection worth the peace of mind to protect that investment? Call Dog Gone Mold today and schedule your mold inspection. Don’t let the excitement of buying a new home cloud your judgement. Be smart and know what you are getting into when you buy your new home.